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Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (or MBSR) was founded in 1979 by professor of medicine and author, Jon Kabat-Zinn, PH.D. His lucid teachings on mindfulness and meditation through his talks, books, and his now "gold standard" MBSR course have made him a key figure in the continuing "mindfulness movement" in the West.​​

What is MBSR?

R.J is an amazing meditation teacher! I totally recommend his classes on MBSR. He’s so knowledgeable...He’s my favorite. I will definitely take his MBSR class again."

          - P.S.

This class is changing my life. Every lesson has a lasting effect that grows with time and practice.  I wish it could continue weekly for the next year...
         - A.R.

The program is safe and quite an amazing process.  I can say a lot more but I would say try it out on your own to experience and explore. 

         - N.I.



To receive the most benefit from MBSR, time for practice and study must be prioritized. This includes committing to:

- 8 weekly class sessions of 2.5 hours

- 1 retreat day of roughly 7 hours*

- 30-45 minutes of daily practice at home during the entire course



Audio recordings of guided meditations, 45-page course manual with supplemental readings, online video links, "How- to" handouts, and more.


​* If you are unsure whether or not you'll be able to attend all 8 sessions and/or the retreat day please email me at

Still interested? 


Basic Details


4/22 to 6/10

8 consecutive Tuesdays

+ *1 Saturday day-long

Time: 5:30 - 8:00pm

Cost: $145 - $395 

(sliding scale)


InsideOut Yoga

5623 University Wy NE,

Seattle, WA 98105


R.J. Rongcal

*Day of Mindfulness:

Sat. 5/24

8:30am - 3:30pm

Loc: 7400 Woodlawn

Ctr. for Spirituality

This 8-week course

also includes:

  • Learning about stress reactivity and how mindfulness helps with stress

  • Learning how to apply mindfulness to everyday situations like communication

  • Guided instruction in mindfulness meditation practices

  • Body awareness practices including the body scan and gentle mindful movement

  • Group dialogue and small group exercises

  • Weekly handouts with short readings, exercises, summaries of each class, and resources to support your ongoing investigation of mindfulness

  • Eight 2.5 hour classes 

  • *One 7-hour "Day of Mindfulness" Retreat

Still thinking about it? Watch this 7 minute intro to MBSR from the founder, Jon Kabat-Zinn, and other prominent mindfulness teachers.

Disclaimer: MBSR is not for everyone. If you one or more of the following describe your current circumstance, a longer course such as MBSR may not be for you:


  • Serious psychological challenges like schizophrenia or psychosis not responsive to medication

  • Depression with thoughts of suicide

  • Recently in recovery

  • Recently lost a close loved one

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), or have recently experienced significant trauma.

If you're unsure about registering for MBSR, please contact me, and we can discuss whether or not the timing is right for you.

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